Punjab Tourism Internship Program Full Eligibility Criteria & Code of Conduct

CM Punjab Tourism Internship Program 2025

The Division of Archaic exploration, The travel industry and Exhibition halls is sending off the Main Pastor Amplification Punjab The travel industry Temporary position Program for the young. In which a paid temporary job will be given to the young. The primary goal of the Travel industry Temporary position Program is to engage the adolescent by giving them fundamental abilities and involved insight.

CM Punjab Tourism Internship Program 2025

The primary goal of this temporary position is to upgrade the abilities of the young and furnish them with pragmatic information in their picked field. With the goal that they can satisfy every one of the needs for occupations emerging on the lookout. If you have any desire to enlist for the Punjab Amplification The travel industry Temporary position Program, the public authority has presented a gateway for enrollment. Alongside this, the public authority has likewise given the total qualification measures which is being given to you in the article beneath.

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Registration Procedure

The Punjab government has presented an enlistment entrance for the Central Priest The travel industry Entry level position Program, under which applications are being gotten. Here are the finished subtleties of how you can enlist for the Punjab The travel industry Temporary job Program.

  • First, go to the CM Punjab Tourism Internship Portal and click on the Apply button there.
  • Then click on the Profile Creation and Verification button.
  • Then enter your personal information such as name, identity card number, district, email address and permanent address.
  • Then click on the Academic Details button and enter the information of your highest qualification degree.
  • Then upload copies of your highest degree domicile and national identity card in the Upload Documents section.
  • Then select your internship preferences and apply.

Full Eligibility Criteria For Punjab Tourism Internship

The Government of Punjab has set eligibility criteria for the magnificent Punjab Tourism Internship Program. If you meet it, you will be included in the internship and the internship will be provided. The eligibility criteria are provided to you below.

  • AGE: The age of the applicant should be between 21 and 28 years.
  • DOMICILE: The applicant should have a domicile in Punjab.
  • QUALIFICATION TIMEFRAME: To get the internship, the applicant must completed his graduation in the last two years, only then he will be eligible for this internship.
  • REQUIRED QUALIFICATION: The applicant should have completed 16 years of education in any of the relevant degrees provided below.
Tourism and Hospitality Management.
Business Administration
Information Technology

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Code Of Conduct For CM Tourism Internship Program

  • Attendance in the Punjab Tourism Internship Program will monitored through a GPS-enabled mobile application in which interns will be required to log in and out of their work locations.
  • Interns will allowed only two days of leave during the internship and a request for more leave will need to be approved by the supervisor.
  • If the intern takes more than two days of leave in a month, the internship stipend will deducted proportionately for each leave.
  • The distribution of stipend to the interns will be provided based on performance and will be through the banking channel.
  • Interns will required to abide by the rules, regulations and protocols of the department.
  • The department will expect the applicant intern to be fully active and committed to the internship.
  • Interns will required to complete the assigned assignment within the stipulated time and submit it back to their supervisor.
  • Interns will required to maintain confidentiality regarding all official information and keep the tools and equipment provided in the program completely safe.
  • All materials and tools provided to interns will returned at the end of the internship.

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Required Document For Application

To join the Punjab Tourism Internship Program, you have to provide some documents. These documents are to be provided at the time of registration, so prepare their PDF copy and provide them at the time of application. They are being provided to you below.

  • A PDF copy of highest qualification degree.
  • Copy of Punjab domicile.
  • Copy of applicant’s back and front ID card

Final Word

The Punjab government has sent off the Central Clergyman Amplification Punjab The travel industry Temporary job Program to open the young to better business open doors. Under which paid entry level positions are being given to the adolescent. With the goal that they can work on their abilities and experience and substantiate themselves better for new positions coming on the lookout. So to be given this entry level position, then, at that point, register presently utilizing the internet based gateway and become a piece of the CM Punjab The travel industry Temporary job Program by becoming qualified.

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